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Fencing Regulations

Fence Regulations In Residential Zoned Areas

  1. No building permit required.
  2. Only residential type fences allowed. No barbed wire, no electric fence, no sheet steel fence, etc. Fence must be of same color.
  3. Fence shall not exceed 6′ tall and shall be placed only behind the front of the house.
  4. A maximum 3′ tall residential fence shall be placed in front of the house. However, fence must be at least 50% open and must not restrict motor vehicle and/or pedestrian visibility.
  5. Fences can be placed on the property line. However, no fence in a front, rear, or side yard shall be constructed closer than 2′ from a public right-of-way,
  6. If you have a corner lot or your lot forms a corner with an alley, you can’t build anything over 2.5′ tall in the 15′ site triangle of a minor intersection and the 50′ site triangle of a major intersection. See Diagram A below

Fence Regulations In Business or Manufacturing Zoned Areas

  1. A building permit is required.
  2. Fence can be up to 8′ high, certain industries can be higher.
  3. Fence can be built on property line. However, you must follow site triangle regulations. (See item 6 above).
  4. The fence has to be compatible with the business or industry (for example: no solid fence around a retail nursery, but a solid fence required around a junkyard).

Diagram A: 4 – Vision Clearance on Corner Lot